2024-2025: Scaling for Impact

In 2024-25, Yleana is focusing on ways we can continue to disrupt education by expanding the services developed in the crucible of the Yleana Leadership Academy (YLA) over the last 10 years - bringing the programs that have worked so well to a larger group of students.

This is part of Yleana’s strategic plan to scale: increase partnerships and bring our “special sauce” of teaching/learning—what we’ve seen succeed at camp for 10 years—to an even wider group of students in our communities.

We are continuing to add new partnerships - check back to see how we’re scaling our support!


  • NYC: SAT Yleana Leadership Academy

A 2-week day camp modeled after YLA serving 20 students from three East Harlem high schools.

  • Baltimore: Johns Hopkins partnership - 8-day SAT Bootcamp

Yleana is partnering with Johns Hopkins’ School of Education to offer an intense 8-day bootcamp!

  • Baltimore: SAT Intervention

A 3-week SAT bootcamp serving 40 students from three Baltimore high schools, featuring Yleana’s time-tested student-led interaction, with SAT materials using our bespoke curriculum.

  • Boston: MindsMatter SAT Bootcamps

A three-year SAT partnership with MindsMatter Boston to turbocharge their sophomore and junior SAT performance.

Other Standardized Tests

  • Baltimore: Grads2Careers Program (CASAS)

A partnership with MOED (Mayor’s Office of Economic Development), BCPSS (Baltimore City Public School System), and Baltimore’s Promise, Yleana will create and deliver an in-house curriculum breaking down the CASAS test, a workplace readiness assessment that tests academic skills, which means supporting career-bound Baltimore students in improving literacy and numeracy. This is Yleana’s second year working with the program.

  • Baltimore: Dunbar High School (MCAP & SAT)

MCAP and SAT diagnostic testing and teacher coaching support for Baltimore students at Dunbar High School.

Mentoring - 10+ Year Wraparound

  • Baltimore/Boston/NYC/Philadelphia - YLA alums

Yleana is continuing to provide one-on-one, wraparound mentoring to alums of YLA to ensure they get to and through college and into supportive careers. We provide:

  • College Access (getting into college)

  • College Persistence (making it to college graduation, which is non-trivial!)

  • College-to-Career Transition

Learn more about the value of high-touch mentoring!

Soft Skills/Power Skills of Success

Baltimore: Project Launch - Residency (tentative)

A partnership with Harlem Lacrosse Baltimore working with high school students on the GPA bubble from selective high schools who need early intervention to be eligible for the highly selective schools that give better financial aid. Project will potentially expand to all of Harlem Lacrosse locations (New York, Boston, Philadelphia) in the next two years.

Baltimore: Academic and Soft Skills Support (tentative)

A partnership with Bridges Baltimore to assist students at the important academic and soft skills transition points: rising 9th graders to set them up for high school success, and to bridging 12th graders into college.