Outcomes: Yleana by the numbers
Impact means tangibly, quantitatively improving economic outcomes for Black and brown students.
Over 500 students served through our flagship summer program since 2013
77% were/will be first-generation college goers
57% come from single parent households
23% were born outside of the United States
29% speak a language other than English as their primary language
Average annual family income: $32,829
95% students of color
53% African, Black or African-American, or Afro-Caribbean
30% Latinx/Hispanic
Yleana alums have an 80% college graduation rate*
*among respondents
Yleana is multiplying that number by 8.
Graduating college means:
7 years longer life span, on average
3.5 times less likely to experience poverty
at least 1 million in accumulated income over the course of their lives.
YLEANA ALUMNI Are Thriving In Post-Secondary
Of our YLA alumni who have graduated high school:
1 out of 5 received a full-ride or near full-ride scholarship to college
91% persisted through their first year of post-secondary education
Of the students who finished their first year of post-secondary, 98% are on track to graduate or have graduated college
83% of those who have already graduated college did so in 4 years or fewer