Policies and Code of Conduct: Creating a Safe Space
Program Policies
Creating and maintaining a safe space — academically, emotionally, socially — is of the utmost importance to us. All of our policies are carefully considered to ensure the wellbeing of our students and we take them very seriously.
Code Of Conduct
One of our most important policies is the Code of Conduct. We require all of our students to adhere to the Code of Conduct for the duration of the program. We have been forced to send students home in previous years for violations of our Code of Conduct. Although we are a forgiving space, we cannot tolerate certain violations, and we will continue to send students a strong message by sending them home (at their parent/guardian’s expense) if they violate the Code of Conduct.
The Yleana Code of Conduct forbids drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, bullying and hate speech.
Hate speech is defined as speech that defames or lowers a person or group on the basis of attributes that a person cannot control such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. It is extremely important for us to promote a safe, tolerant environment of love and caring. Hate speech undercuts the core of what we believe in, and will not be tolerated. We respectfully ask that partner orgs help us select students for whom avoiding hate speech and following directions will not be difficult.
The following is the Code of Conduct from 2020 in its entirety. Small modifications to the letter (but not to the spirit) may be made; as a model, students should feel comfortable agreeing to the following stipulations:
We want you to have a great time – we think it’s fair to say that last year’s class had an amazing experience and wouldn’t trade it for the world! But we also need to maintain certain limits, and we ask that you consider the below guidelines carefully – make sure you’re really ready to commit to them, in word and in spirit. We look forward to having you attend; assuring that you’re committed to the below policies helps us make our program a better experience for everyone. These policies apply to all communication and behavior in class/during Yleana activities AND activities/communication outside of class between Yleana students for the duration of the summer program and follow-up program.
I, ______________________________________, certify that I will abide by the Yleana Code of Conduct at all times. This Code includes the following important commitments:
RESPECT TOWARDS PEERS: I will be respectful and kind towards my peers and teachers regardless of their religion, gender, race, ethnicity, skin color, sexuality, gender expression, or other relevant characteristic.
TOLERANCE: I will not use language that puts people down, either directly or indirectly, because of their religion, gender, race, ethnicity, skin color, sexuality, gender expression, or personality. I understand that Yleana has a tough no-hate speech and no-bullying stance and I commit to being positive with and supportive of my fellow students, counselors, and teachers.
DRESS: I will wear clothing printed with words ONLY which I would be able to say according to the Code of Conduct. That means:
I will not wear clothing with profanity or that puts down/bullies/hurts/targets any specific group. If I wear such clothing, I understand that I will be asked to turn it inside out immediately.
I will wear clothing which sufficiently covers my body. If I wear clothing which does not sufficiently cover my body, I understand will be asked to change into something more fully covering – I may be asked to supply it or it may be supplied to me.
WORKING HARD AND DOING WHAT I AM ASKED: I commit to work hard, complete my homework, and in general seek to do my best in all of the activities and on all of the assignments. I commit to respond to requests by Yleana staff during the course of the program with politeness, speed, and respect.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: I will not use or bring any drugs (including marijuana, vape pens) or cigarettes (including e-cigarettes and vape pens) or alcohol or suggest that others use or bring such items to the program. Failure to abide by this provision will result in immediate dismissal at the parent/guardian’s expense.
RESPECT FOR CLASS: I will pay attention in class and during program activities and seek to be polite, respectful and attentive when the teacher, counselor, program director, or person of authority is speaking. This does not mean I cannot disagree – when I disagree, I will be respectful of those who may disagree with my viewpoint and make sure I present my feelings in a way that does not make them feel uncomfortable. I will challenge ideas instead of challenging people.
ATTENDANCE: I will attend 100% of classes and activities during the program, without exception, unless I am excused due to an illness or otherwise approved activity by the program director. If I am not feeling well, I will do my honest best to go to class and participate in activities; I will not use sickness as an excuse to not attend class if I can attend.
FIGHTING AND WEAPONS: I will not fight with my peers under any circumstances and will never use physical violence or weapons. Failure to abide by this provision will result in immediate dismissal at the parent/guardian’s expense.
SEXUAL ACTIVITY: I will not engage in intimate or sexual activity with other students or community members while at the program. Failure to abide by this provision will result in immediate dismissal at the parent/guardian’s expense.
Failure to abide by any of these provisions may result in immediate dismissal from the program at the parent/guardian’s expense.