A BIG update on Dionna!
We hope that you’ve been following our updates about Yleana alum Dionna* and her dedication to returning to school after her leave of absence. You can read her story here and catch up with some follow-up details here. Since we last shared an update, even more has transpired in Dionna’s story and we have some very exciting news to share: Dionna has been readmitted to Wellesley! She’ll be heading back for the fall 2022 semester to finish up her degree! YAY Dionna! We are SO happy for you and PROUD of you!
Dionna was extremely determined in her desire to return to school. She made every effort to follow each step that the university required of her to prove her dedication and ambition. She participated in meetings with mental health professionals, wrote countless emails to Wellesley staff, and did everything that she as an individual could do to demonstrate her capabilities. Despite her tenacity, Dionna felt like she was being dismissed. She received some upsetting and confusing email communications from Wellesley and wasn’t sure what to do next.
Though Dionna may not have known the answers herself, she knew to ask for help and reached out to someone she knew she could count on: Alyssa! Dionna shared the unsettling emails from Wellesley with Alyssa, and it turned out that she was not actually being turned away - she just had another hoop or two to jump through. Having Yleana in her corner would help her get there!
Shayne*, Dionna’s Yleana mentor, was also never far from reach. He and Alyssa continued working together on Dionna’s behalf throughout this process. Shayne took the lead in handling the mental healthcare obstacles that Dionna faced, and filed a complaint on her behalf. He also wrote a strong letter of recommendation for Dionna, speaking out about all of the admirable qualities that she possesses and the very valid reasons for which she should be able to return to school. Alyssa continued to build Dionna up and helped to give her the confidence to believe in herself and her dreams. Together, Shayne and Alyssa were stronger than they would have been individually - they worked together, as a team, on Dionna’s behalf.
Yleana offers this to all of our students; we believe in each one of them and are proud to provide our kids with an entire team that supports them and helps them pave a sturdy path towards success! We have our kids’ backs throughout their lives!